Why You Need to Change Your Job NOW

The talk of changing jobs is a fantasy for most people. Each year, Americans respond to surveys about their work. Typically, a whopping 70% come back with the response that they hate their job. Not dislike or tolerate but downright hate their boss, work-load or workspace.

I had to admit, I was one of those statistics.

I kept grinding away at a job that neither cared about me or the quality of work I produced. To them, I was just a number.

For us that work hard, the thought often arises, “If I do X, things will get better.” They often do not. The office environment is a breeding ground for indifferent coworkers and incompetent bosses.

You keep slipping down a rabbit hole until you can’t take it anymore. Now I know what you are thinking; Well it must be nice to pick up and quit a job, but I have bills to pay!

So did I. But sooner or later you have to make a choice. Do I want to spend endless hours stuck in an unhealthy environment? Or should I make a change in your career to be a better person?

There’s more to life than an office

I know staying in our comfort zones often prevent us from leaving the security of a paycheck. It is a scary world out there! Add to that, the prospects for finding jobs can be grim. So why change your job?

I’ll use myself as an example. I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when I graduated college. I had the world on a platter but happened? The economy tanked and I was left holding the bag. I took the first job I could find. For me, as a criminal justice major, that meant security. Let me tell you, security sucked. Between creepy coworkers and maniacal management, I needed to leave. What’s a girl to do?

Oh, the old standby 9 to 5 job (more appropriately 7 to 4). What more could you want? Well if you’ve seen Mean Girls then you have been properly prepared for the corporate cube farm. It all started out nice and fine… but then the bottom fell out. I committed the worst mistake in the business. I demonstrated that I was competent and could get work done.

Just pile it up!

That meant I was Ms. Reliable! Don’t want to do something, dump it on Theresa’s desk. A coworker cannot finish on time, dump it on Theresa’s desk. The sad part for me, I gladly did it because, in my mind, I thought I could move ahead in the company by showing initiative. Well, you can figure out the result of that.

Work hard for yourself, not others

The cracks began to show. I found out that my colleague (hired after me) was making almost double my salary. She left and they replaced her with something who could not be bothered to show up on time or at all.

I also had a boss who figured since I was so good at my job, I could do her work as well. I’m not even going to mention the yelling in the office, the fist-fights, the racist/sexist remarks, discussing employees’ medical records, or the countless other legal infractions that occurred on a daily basis.

In the meantime, I was slipping further down the hole. I dealt with things the old fashion Irish way… internally. Just push those feelings down where no one will find it. But that is never a good thing! So that meant the anxiety started when my boss would scream at me. Old pal depression was not too far behind. There were days I could not get out of bed. I would sit in my car before work and cry. Snapping on people at work and at home became a regular occurrence. I decided I had enough!

Enough is enough!

Between the drab working environment and my failing mental health, I came up with a plan. The point came that all the extra money I was making there went to the doctor to treat my anxiety symptoms. So I was not financially getting ahead. I needed to get out!

If I left at lunch, would anyone miss me?

I orchestrated my plan a year in advance. You have to start saving, saving and more saving. Let’s face it, you are going to need money for bills, rent, etc. There isn’t a magical money fairy waiting to write you a check when you walk out the office.

Finally, I picked a date and stuck to it. I was leaving and would be free. Marching into my boss’ office, I handed in my two weeks and… nothing. They didn’t care, they didn’t ask me to stay, I got nada. What a letdown!

If that wasn’t bad enough, my last two weeks there were straight out of Office Space. My boss took my computer, my printer, my pens and yes, even my stapler. I spent the last two days in my cube…staring at nothing. My last day came and I was fully expecting an exit interview. Nope, I did not even get that. Hell, I didn’t even get a Good Luck or Best Wishes card.

At that time, I realized what my company thought of me. I worked overtime, came in on my days off, picked up others’ slack, and pushed myself to the brink all for nothing.

Create your own story

At that point, I knew I made the right decision. I had a moment of clarity: anything was better than what I had before. I chose my own happiness over a poor working environment. Has it been all sunshine and rainbows? Of course not! I would love to sit on my butt and do nothing, You know what creating your own story requires… hard work. You have to pick yourself up when you feel down and push through even when the whole world is against you. But in the end, you are creating a life on your own terms.

My story is not unique. Plenty of people in today’s working word are subjected to same treatment (or worse). It does not have to be like that. You need to have a heart to heart with yourself and ask is it worth it?

Changing your job may just help save your sanity.