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How to Keep Your Sanity and Survive a Sociopath Boss

Once upon a time, I worked for a very horrible boss. As in all fairy tales, she was a wicked witch. This lady was so negative, you could feel her presence as she entered the building. It was as if the room felt heavier and you couldn’t get a breath of air. I don’t know […]

Resist the Content Mills

When you are starting out in freelance writing, it can be easy to get swept away with the promise of easy money. Content mills are like that hot guy (or girl) that whispers all the right things into your ear. You know it’s bullshit, but you still fall for it. Make money while working from […]

New Year’s Goals to Boost Your Writing

A new year, a new you! Yes, ’tis the season for making all the goals that no one ever intends to keep. We all want that fresh start or “do-over” for the new year. Why else do people crowd the gyms only to get on equipment they have no idea how to work? We all […]