5 Quick Tips To Be Productive When You’re Under the Weather

In a perfect world, you would never have an illness and could function at 100% all the time. But you know what? People get sick! Come spring and summer, I am always dealing with sniffles and sneezes.

Part of me wants to lay in bed but I know I have to be productive. Clients are relying on me and there is no one else to take over my work.

For our 9 to 5 counterparts, they have the luxury of giving the boss a call and staying home from work. But what happens when you have a home-based office?

So what’s the solution? Sit at home and catch up with the television show Price is Right?

Wrong! Here are a few quick and simple ways to be productive when you really just want to curl up in a ball all day.

Being Productive When You Just Feel… Blah

Find a Comfy Place

For most of us, we work from a dedicated office area in the home. No matter how homey you want it to feel, it is still a computer and a desk. I can tell from experience, there is nothing worse than having the flu and sitting in a cramped office chair. You ache, hurt and just wish the world around you would burn to the ground. But that’s not good business sense for you or your clients.

So take it easy and find a comfortable place in the house. If that means spreading out on the couch or relaxing in a plushy chair, go for it! For me, there is nothing better than sitting in my oversized chair with my feet up on the ottoman. Happy body means happier work production! (That should be engraved on a sign somewhere) You’re already sick, don’t make it harder on yourself. No one is around and going to judge. If you want to rock out the fluffy pink bunny slippers, go for it!

Home Remedies

Well, you know gramma’s advice about chicken soup for a cold? Some studies have found that it is actually true. Dig out those old recipes and words of advice from your elders. It might not help physically but it will comfort you mentally as well.

There’s no shame in grannyin’-it for a day (or two). Eat soup, put your feet up and rest. The beauty of working from home is no one will care how gross you look or smell (So go ahead and slather yourself in VapoRub). Try doing that in an office setting and you get the office complainers for sure.

Remember the number one rule to recovering from an illness: keep yourself well hydrated with water during the day (no coffee or liquor!). Eat small, light meals. Don’t overdo it. The main priority is getting you back into shape.

Work in Short Shifts

For me, I definitely cannot work for long periods at a time when I’m feeling unwell. When my allergies are acting up, it’s all I can take just to sit up. So I work in bursts. You know when you’re sick and you have a sudden rush of energy? Well, use that to your advantage! Get small tasks done no matter how insignificant. Sometimes I’ll proofread a single page or even a paragraph. I try and do that at least a couple times a day. If you can do a few minor things, it will add it. It is better to get some things accomplished than nothing at all.

Short shifts help in not making you feel like the day is draining the life out of you. It gives you plenty of time to rest, heal and squeeze some work in. Even taking a few minutes to send out an email is better than laying down for 8 hours a day without working on anything.

Rest Up

The most important aspect of working while sick is to take it easy and rest up. I’m not spouting off any new knowledge here. You’ll hear this advice from everyone from your friends to the random lady at the store. No sense to keep pushing until you are in a worse condition than you are already, no one is superhuman.

Getting over a cold, headache or whatever can take time. If you push yourself to empty then it will just take that much longer to get over what ails you. So if you need a break, then take it. Only you know how much to push before you

Turn off the World

Most importantly, turn off the rest of the world. Yes, cell phones are so ingrained in us that they are now essential to any freelancer’s life. But you know what? You can turn it off. Get only the most important tasks done. When you stare at your phone, you’re likely to take on more work. The purpose of working while sick is to just get what really needs to be done, DONE! Don’t go fishing for more stuff.

Besides won’t it feel better to just have a few moments to yourself and just recover from an illness. Don’t let the stress combine with your illness. It’s important to keep yourself calm while you’re sick. I’ve had days where the whole world was caving in and I had to deal with it while battling a terrible head cold. Not fun at all! It does not help being aggravated and trying to get something accomplished. We all know that being sick makes everything 200% times worse.

So shut off the distractions and focus on the work at hand. You’ll feel better and hopefully recover quicker without feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

So shut off the distractions and focus on the work at hand. You’ll feel better and hopefully recover quicker without feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

Sick Day Does Not Mean Lost Day

Getting sick does not mean losing a day of productivity. You will not be climbing Mount Everest, but by taking a few steps at a time, it will help you from feeling completely overwhelmed. Accept the fact that something will not get done and you know, it’s okay!

It is all about a little perspective. Accomplishing the small stuff will clear the way to focus on bigger tasks when you up and feeling better. Let me know in the comments your tips for staying productive while sick!